Scientific American, 2023, Evidence Undermines ‘Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria’ Claims Link
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Art & Cultural Institutions
Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art 26 Wooster Street, New York, New York 10013, 212.431.2609 Website
The first dedicated LGBTQ art museum in the world with a mission to exhibit and preserve LGBTQ art. The website features an excellent online Database to search images from the Museum’s Permanent Collection. The website also includes a valuable teaching tool called Milestones, a timetable of the history of Queer art.
Act Up Human rights for a global sexual minority.
The American Institute on Bisexuality. Website
American Library Association GLBT Roundtable. Website
CABO LGBT Chamber of Commerce in Connecticut.
Campus Pride Locate a LGBT-friendly college campus. Website
Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education A national charity that works to promote equality and eliminate discrimination in education. Bristol, UK. Website
Chris Gonzalez Library & Archive A large collection of LGBT materials archived and able to be loaned. Website
DignityUSA An organization for LGBTQ Catholics. Website
The Door In NYC, an organization providing social services for LGBTQ youth. Website
Equality California Works to secure rights and protective legislation for LGBTQIA people. Website
Equality Network Promoting LGBT rights in Scotland.
GLAAD GLAAD works to promote fair and positive images in the media and entertainment. They have worked for years to counter negative and discriminatory portrayals on television and the movies. They are a good news source and often link to studies and reports that can be very useful. Website
Identity House LGBTQ peer counseling in NYC. Website
IGLA, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association
“We focus public and government attention on cases of discrimination against LGBTI people by supporting programs and protest actions, asserting diplomatic pressure, providing information and working with international organisations and the international media.“
Indiana University – Bloomington GLBTSSS Library Website
It Gets Better To fight bullying and to strengthen LGBT youth.
LAMBDA Legal A very important organization. Law and advocacy is the way to effect change in policy. “Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.” New York Office Website
LGBT Center of Raleigh NC Website
LGBT History Month A project/website to present information on and celebrate LGBT history and persons. London, UK Website
Movement Advancement Project Policy research for LGBT persons and movements. Website
National Center for Transgender Equality Offering important information on trans issues, particularly on changing ID and documents: Document/ID Information by State
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force A grassroots organization providing training for activists and campaigns to oppose anti-LGBTQIA legislation. Several offices including in New York and D.C. Website
The New York City Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center. Website
One Iowa One Iowa is the state’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocacy organization working to ensure full equality for LGBT individuals living in Iowa through grassroots efforts and education. Website
The Red Umbrella Project to fight the current practice by NYC prosecutors & police to use possession of condoms as evidence of intent to prostitute. This severely and adversely affects LGBT persons on the street. Website
The Transgender Institute in Kansas City. Assisting persons in various ways with the transition process. Website
Transgender Law Center Working to change law and policy to fight discrimination on the basis of gender identity/expression. Based in San Francisco, CA. Website
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has a page with state offices where you can file a fair housing complaint.
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Mental Health, Crisis Intervention and Intimate Partner Violence
Trans Lifeline 877.565.8860 For transgender persons experiencing a crisis. The story behind the lifeline here.
Anti-Violence Project NYC organization for LGBTQ and HIV + persons, and allies, who are survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) Website
A recent article in The Atlantic on same-sex IPV.
A page from LifeWire on LGBT IPV.
The Trevor Project Providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention for young LGBTQ persons. Website The Trevor Project Lifeline (forages 24 or younger) is 866-488-7386.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255.
An excellent article of how to find an LGBTQ+ accepting mental health therapist.
Sexual Violence
Curve Magazine’s article on same-sex female rape.
San Diego Gay & Lesbian News, article on ‘date rape’ drugs.
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Christie Block, Speech-Language Pathologist, New York City. Her website is here. Christie offers voice training for trans and genderqueer persons.
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College Related
Campus Pride’s Shame List–The Worst Schools for LGBTQ students
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Advancing Transgender Equality
Asian Nation Asian LGBT life and issues.
Attitude UK based LGBT
The Backlot Gay entertainment.
Be ! Magazine Online LGBTQ youth magazine.
Bent Magazine UK based.
Bisexual Books A Tumblr Blog with the mission to create a place to share Bi literature, which tends to be underrepresented in media and reviews.
Bi Writers Association Tirelessly promoting bi authors, writing and books in the US.
Bombay Dost India’s first gay magazine
Breaking the Silence LGBT voices to increasing understanding of LGBT issues.
Compete LGBT sports
Connextions Magazine Life and Styles of the LGBT Community. All kinds of great articles and travel info. A Gabriel’s World favorite.
Curve Lesbian life
Cypher Avenue Urban news and lifestyle perspective.
Daily Xtra Canadian LGBT magazine
Dallas Voice “The Premier Media Source for LGBT Texas”
Diva Magazine For UK lesbians and bi women.
Echelon Magazine LGBT business community.
Edge on the Net LGBT news and entertainment
Entry Denied The blog for the documentary on “about the immigration struggles faced by gay and lesbian Americans in relationships with foreign citizens.” Kickstarter-funded (GW’s author was contributor).
Fyne Times LGBT lifestyle magazine in UK
GALA Magazine LGBT artists.
Gay City News NYC based mag.
The Gayly Blogger Joe Knudson.
Gay Star News LGBT news and entertainment.
Gay Today Diverse GLTB news.
Geeks OUT! An NYC-based organization supporting Queer pop culture, and Flame-Out queer Comic-Con.
GLBTQ Encyclopedia of culture. A Gabriel’s World favorite.
Go Magazine Lesbian life.
Instinct Gay life.
Joe.My.God. LGBT blogger.
Lezbelib Lesbian news.
LGBT Asylum News “We document the situations in countries from which LGBT people are fleeing hoping for a safe haven and the problems they can face from the asylum system in many countries.” UK based.
LinkedIn Group LGBT – GLBT – Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning Connect with other LGBTQ+ professionals join for support.
The New Civil Rights Movement Important stories and commentary on LGBTQIA issues, particularly politically-based stories.
Northeast Two-Spirit SocietyLGBT and Two-Spirit American Indians in NYC and the Tri-State Area
On Top Magazine LGBT news and entertainment
OutImpact “…an gay omnimedia organization for both gay men and women with a strong focus on making a positive impact in the gay community.” I find it feisty and informative.
Our Queer History Informative articles on LGBT/Queer history. Sister site: Our Queer Stories, with personal accounts from LGBT/Queer persons.
OUTspoken Australia Sharing #LGBTQI stories, news and events
Outsports Premier online magazine of LGBT in sports.
Philadelphia Gay News Philadelphia area news and events.
PlanetTransgender Stories on Transgender issues and events.
Positive Lite Canada’s Online HIV Magazine
The Rainbow Times LGBT news in New England
@RyanNewYork on Tumblr. Ryan J. Davis posts on all sorts of issues including LGBTQIA. Dedicated and knowledgeable.
San Diego Gay and Lesbian News
Savage Love Advice on sexuality, and advocacy of LGBT issues.
ScotsGay Magazine LGBT news in Scotland
Top Lesbian News on lesbian interests.
The TransAdvocate A collection of trans bloggers and advocates.
Transgress Press A publisher that donates heavily to social justice causes; offerings include books detailing the lives of trans men.
Trans Health Trans health information
The Trans Liberal Prism Rag A platform for transgender persons to dialogue.
Trans People Speak A site for raising awareness of trans issues.
Washington Blade LGBT politics.
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Resources to Survive in a Sometimes Hostile World
Southern Poverty Law Center: Speak Up: Responding to Everyday Bigotry. Scripts to help you respond to family, friends and others who say hateful, discriminatory jokes and statements.
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Specialized: Slang/Argot
Gay slang phrases, some lesser known.
Terms specifically female.
Some choice terms here; included because I appreciate the many ways to refer to a certain act.
A classic GLBT slang dictionary.
Specialized: Sex and Relationships
The following websites involve ‘mature’ content, including nudity and graphic images of sex. Gabriel’s World advocates safe and responsible sex. Part of practicing safe and responsible sex is educating one’s self.
Op-Ed in The Advocate on the sketchy dynamics of threesome relationships.
Safe Sex Guides
Coalition for Positive Sexuality – guides on how to use condoms and other safe sex measures.
Sex Guides
Gay sex guide.
Gay sexual positions.
Trans* Related
TS Girlfriend: Better, respectful intimacy with Trans* women.
TS Girlfriend: Dating a Trans* woman.
Specialized: HIV/AIDS
amfAR’s basic facts on HIV, which is pretty comprehensive.
The Body — information on transmission, protection, testing, health and more.
A recent article from POZ magazine on PrEP, exploring possible misconceptions.
The Center for Disease Control page on HIV transmission, explaining how transmission occurs through mucous membranes. As an extra, here is site from Princeton (not on HIV) on what mucous membranes are.
Twitter-Based Resources
@ChaiFeldblum First out lesbian EEOC Commissioner
@ErikStegman Poverty, LGBT, Indians
@GayRightsReport “All the latest breaking news about Gay rights.”
@GLBTshare “Your best source of GLBT News on Twitter”Back to Top
- Animal lover? Glen Venezio feeds and traps/neuters/returns the many stray felines of in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He is the Héroe de los gatos abandonados. An article and info to donate to Glen’s efforts is here on Stewietotherescue.
- Lambda Legal’s resources for LGBTQ youth, by state
- Movement Advancement Project’s 2016 Report on Bisexuality–Disparities and Remedies
- Guide on developing inclusivity in the classroom, from Syracuse University.
- Encyclopedia of LGBTQIA culture, good for finding bios.
- LGBTQIA history resources from Fordham University.
- StoryCorps on LGBTQ in the classroom.
- About.com on being an ally on campus.
- The Chronicle of Higher Education on LGBTQIA student life.
- The Kinsey Scale.
- Bill McCoy on being an ally.
- A page with definitions pertaining to LGBTQIA
- The CDC’s survey on intimate partner violence by sexual orientation.
- Report on Bisexual invisibility by the San Francisco Human Rights Commission.
- Bisexual women have the most health problems, according to research.
- Myths about bisexuality.
- LGBT persons and poverty – we aren’t all rich. Bisexual women have a particularly high rate.
- Great story from the New York Times on the way college students handle, express, change and innovate sexual orientation and gender identity.
- Gay and bisexual men and sex, and relationships.
- A New York Times article on the scientific quest to prove bisexuality.
Articles on scientific evidence regarding sexual orientation
- Gay Brains Structured Like Those of Opposite Sex
- Differential brain activation in exclusively homosexual and heterosexual men
- The study by Rieger and Savin-Williams demonstrating bisexual men show physical attraction to both sexes
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Recommended Books & Authors
Josh Lanyon’s site. He writes excellent gay fiction blending genre stories with romance. His blog is entertaining as well.
Anne Hagan’s site. She is the author of the new Morelville Mysteries series, with strong lesbian characters and intriguing action. Her blog is on the various aspects of writing.
The Velvet Rage by Alan Downs. A therapist discusses the distinct issues gay/bi men need to work on in order to have successful relationships.
Alternate Channels by Stephen Capsuto LGBT on radio and television from 1930s to 2000s.
Gay Ideas by Richard D. Mohr Essays on outing, AIDS quilt and other issues.
Gay in New York by George Chauncey The gay world of turn of the century NYC.
Homophobia: A History by Byrne Fone A comprehensive history from Ancient Greece to modern US.
Homosexuality and Civilization by Louis Crompton. Exploration of historical culture and how homosexuality and bisexuality has been tolerated or persecuted.
L’amour bleu by Cecile Beurdely a beautiful coffee table of images.
Monsters in the Closet by Harry M. Benshoff. A survey of 20th Century horror films and queer images and undertones.
The Praeger Handbook of Transsexuality by Rachel Ann Heath A history of transsexuality and the issues trans people face.
The Prime Time Closet by Stephen Tropiano LGBT on television from the 1950s through early 2000s.
The Riddle of Gender by Deborah Rudacille A strong book on gender identity from historical, sociological, psychological, medical perspectives.
Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe by John Boswell A history of the meaning of marriage, and same-sex households in history. Especially meaningful as some argue there’s no basis in history for marriage equality.
Scandal: Infamous Gay Controversies of the 2oth Century by Marc E. Vargo. A selection of historical gay personages and incredibly affecting narratives about their lives.
Sexual Ecology by Gabriel Rotello A sharp discussion of gay men, promiscuity and HIV.
The Sewing Circle by Axel Madsen Famous Hollywood bi and lesbian stars.
She’s Not There by Jennifer Finley Boylan. A first-hand narrative about a college professor undergoing the physical process to change genders.
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LGBTQ+ Authors and Artists
Alan Chin Novels and stories with gay protagonists.
Hank Edwards Books M/M erotic romance, now some paranormal.
Jeffery Hames Artist-graffiti design, graphic design.
KC Grim Erotic M/M romance.
Bryan James Queer Words Make Stories Gay fiction/social issues.
Del LaGrace Volcano GenderQueer artist. Fantastic.
Dale Lazarov Erotic M/M comics.
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You don’t have to be LGBTQIA+ to be good — A selection of other interesting websites and recommended articles
for entertainment and information
Joseph’s Blog Liberal views and pro-wrestling coverage
Forbes: Mentally Strong People – The 13 Things They Avoid by Cheryl Conner, and a related post, 5 Powerful Exercises to Increase Your Mental Strength, by Amy Morin
Page updated June 30, 2024
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